Make State Flip Books!

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Included is a set of template pages for making a flip book for any state in the USA.

Directions: Print a set of book pages for each state that you are going to make a book for, including a cover.

Fill out the information on each page. Write the state your book is about on the cover. Assemble the pages in order by size, biggest (on the bottom) to smallest (the cover on the top), so the text at the bottom is showing. Each flip book will have a cover with the state’s name, an “On the Map” page, “State Bird” Page, “State Flower” page, “State Flag” page, and “State Capital” page.

Lay the “On the Map” page down first (facing up). Next, lay the “State Bird” page (facing up) on top of that, so that the tops of the two pages are lined up, and the words at the bottom are visible. Next, do the same with the “State Flower” page, then the “State Flag” page, followed by the “State Capital” page, and finally the cover page. Line up the tops of all the pages, and staple at the top. Now you have a flip book!

Included is a reference sheet that includes each state's capital, abbreviation, bird name, and flower name. You and your child (or your child with your permission) will need to look up an image for each state's flower, bird and flag in order to draw them in their book.

Want to do another state? Simply print another set of pages, and create your book!  

You can get these on Etsy or at Teachers Pay Teachers

You can get these below! 

You can get these on Etsy or at Teachers Pay Teachers

As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases.


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